Squats and lunges

My tips on squatting 

1/ connect the mind to the muscles tighten your stomach muscle draw your belly button into your spine.

2/ Feet shoulder width apart toes slightly turned out and heels don’t lift off the ground.

3/ As you squat push your bum back, head up, spine straight, looking forward with a gap between chin and chest.

4/ If you have knee injuries or are new to squats DON’T go deep. 

Form and technique is paramount  If you go to deep and lift your heels off the ground your body weight will press forward placing to much pressure on the front of the knee cap.

Build up slowly, particularly if you have a history of knee problems.

My tips on lunging

1/ Connect the mind to the muscles tighten your stomach muscles draw your belly button into your spine engage your core.

2/ Place one foot in front of the other making sure there is space between  the front foot and back foot.

3/ Back straight, chest proud, gap between the chin and chest and lower and drop you knees approximately 90 degrees.

Remember make sure your front knee does not bend in front of your front foot. The lunge movement is a drop down not a forward move.

If you have knee injuries or a new to lunging do not go as deep. 

Alternating lunges requires more core stability as you step forward bend both knees and with control  step back.